Tag Archives: female Rusty Blackbird

Rusty Blackbird Female

Rusty Blackbird in Snow

Rusty Blackbird in Snow

Rusty Blackbird Female

The picture of this female Rusty Blackbird in the snow was taken at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, New York. The picture of this female Rusty Blackbird in the snow was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.

To hear the song of the Rusty Blackbird, click on the arrow below.

Rusty Blackbird Female

Rusty Blackbird Female

Rusty Blackbird Female

Rusty Blackbird Female

Rusty Blackbird is one of North America’s most rapidly declining species. The population has plunged an estimated 85-99 percent over the past forty years and scientists are completely puzzled as to what is the cause. The picture of this female Rusty Blackbird was taken in the Bronx, New York.